Talk With Tori
Talk With Tori
34: Inside the Journey of Infertility with Jenny Lazarus
I am humbled to introduce you to the 2010 Miss Tech and my friend, Jenny Lazarus, on episode 34 of Talk with Tori!
Jenny Lazarus gives us an inside look at her personal journey of infertility. She is open and honest about the heartbreak and struggles that happen when life does not happen as we plan. She encourages us to have hard conversations before and in marriage. Jenny provides knowledge and advice about various causes of infertility that she has gone through including endometriosis, adenomyosis, IUI, IVF, and many other treatments. This episode is eye-opening, and you will be more aware of the pain this can cause many couples. Jenny learned that God will provide joy, and give you a new perspective and life plans.
Infertility is unfortunately very common for many couples, so this episode will not only encourage those who may be going through this journey or will one day, but also help everyone understand the struggles of others who are experiencing this.
Tori’s Instagram: @toriclosejones
Contact us: talkwithtoripodcast@gmail.com
Jenny’s Instagram: @jennylazarus
Support those going through infertility treatments by shopping at songbirdgrove.com.
Jenny’s Must-Haves/Faves:
Paula’s Choice
SOJOS Polarized Sunglasses