Talk With Tori
Talk With Tori
27: The Story of Talk with Tori with Amanda Burgett
I am so happy to finally introduce you to our behind the scenes girl of TWT, Amanda Burgett, on episode 27 of Talk with Tori!
Do you have a lifelong dream, but you never think it could become a reality? On this episode of Talk with Tori, we share how listening with obedience to that little voice inside your heart can change your life as well as those around you. We have received so many questions about the show, launching, behind the scenes work, and more, so today we are walking you through “The Story of Talk with Tori.” You will meet our Podcast Producer, Amanda Burgett, and learn how we have made this podcast happen, and how God has provided at all times. We hope this episode encourages you to always go for it, no matter the circumstances and to share your story with others.
If you have been curious how the Talk with Tori Podcast came to life, this episode is for you!
Contact us: talkwithtoripodcast@gmail.com
Talk with Tori Instagram: @toriclosejones
Amanda's Instagram: @amandaiburgett
Amanda's Favorites/Must-Haves:
Barefoot Dreams
Jon Hart Luggage
Professional Photos: she recommends @sarahgriffinstreet