Talk With Tori
Talk With Tori
26: Unexpected Adventures with the Beard Girls
I am thrilled to introduce you to a mother/daughter trio today, Jennifer, Caroline, and Annie Beard, on episode 26 of Talk with Tori!
Have you ever had certain turns in your life that you never expected to be in your path? The Beard family is the perfect example of this! Jennifer shares the story of having her newborn baby, Caroline, diagnosed with cancer, and the journey and battles this cancer caused her family. Caroline shares blessings along the way through St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, and how St. Jude is still her passion. Her second daughter, Annie, was born, and they were surprised by her talent of gymnastics at a young age. All of these events took their family on an adventure that they never imagined, but the growth that has happened in each of their lives reminds us all that decisions can be difficult, but there are always gifts along the ride!
Have you ever struggled with decisions that may be out of the ordinary or a sudden change in your life that you had to immediately adapt to, if so, this episode is for you!
Talk with Tori Instagram: @toriclosejones
Contact us: talkwithtoripodcast@gmail.com
Jennifer’s Instagram: @jenniferwebbbeard
Caroline’s Instagram: @achristmascarolz
Annie’s Instagram: @anniecbeard
Enjoy 10% off your order from Caroline’s business with code TORI10: @shopgracecatherine
The Beard Girls’ Must Haves/Faves:
Annie – Golden Goose Sneakers
Caroline – Anthropology Volcano Candle
Jennifer – Dyson Hair Dryer and Five Days at Memorial by Sheri Fink