Talk With Tori

25: Pull Away from Perfectionism with Lindy White

April 06, 2021 Tori Jones and Lindy White Season 1

I am excited to introduce you to my sweet friend, Lindy White, on episode 25 of Talk with Tori! 

Do you struggle with perfectionism and self-image?  In today’s society, this is a major battle that most people face in some capacity.  Lindy White is a professional spray tanning extraordinaire and opens up about her own personal struggles in this area while also sharing what she has learned about self-worth and insecurities in her career.  She encourages us to be confident in who we are and how God made us all beautiful in His image.  Lindy provides great wisdom and advice in being authentic and vulnerable.

We all have our insecurities, so this episode is a must-listen for all!  

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Lindy’s Must Haves/Faves:
Purvelo Spin Class
The Dining Winos